Published Date: 04 June 2009By Richard Bean
The Telegraph expenses spotlight has turned on Wigan MP Neil Turner.
The former Metro councillor, whose salary is £64,766, claimed for mortgage interest on his flat in London and up to £400 per month for "food" on some months.
He also claimed for utility bills for the property, council tax and for "small amounts" of furnitiure.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
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1 dave bloom, wigan 04/06/2009 10:39:35
well you can tell it's election time folks, but before you go out and blindly put your x in the box for labour just stop a second and think about what we have seen from them locally over the past few years :- we have had the leader of the district labour party dorothy abbot convicted of benefit fraud - she was working as a benefits adviser at the town hall and claiming invalidity benefit at the same time, labour councillor joe shaw convicted of downloading child porn and firearms offences, 3 other labour councillors were found to have downloaded porn (at our expense)onto their council owned laptops- (rhona winkworth, barbara bourne and mark hale), nearby upholland labour councillor david phythian was given a football banning order after being convicted of racially abusing a black footballer at a latics match . not to mention 2 of the boroughs 3 labour m.p's being involved in the expenses scandal -andy burnham and ian mccartney - and the third one -neil turner isn't exactly whiter than white - he was convicted of libel after branding a political opponent a racist in order to supress opposition to a planning application. and that is just from 1 area of the country, how many more are out there in other areas? so think and use your vote wisely
2 Jeff Ellis, Wigan 04/06/2009 11:00:18
I am a self employed person in the borough, can I claim against my tax and get the goverment to pay me for feeding myself or cleaning products for my own home or my kitchen which was from MFI or the utility bills, I think not. Mr Turner jumped on the gravy train just like all the other politicians now caught in the act and trying to justify what they have been doing, by saying it was within the rules, rules they made. Come on Mr Turner do the right thing and fall on your sword, or will we have to pay to have it sharpened first.
3 Desparate Dan, 04/06/2009 12:09:50
Yea right, got a real bargain before MFI went bust and tax payer paid for distribution to big smoke. I could do with a new kitchen but being an honourable citizen have to pay council tax, income tax, national insurance, university fees for adult children etc before I can consider such a luxury, my heart bleeds for you Mr Turner - not ! Begone and stop ripping us off
4 Morgan, 04/06/2009 13:44:19
As you might expect from a BNP party officer, I have my differences with Mr Turner, and will do my best to politically crucify him at the next general election. But those differences are political, not financial. Strangely enough, though I consider his expenses claims to be on the high side, I do see them as legitimate.
However - with all this financial scandal coming out of Westminster we have to look to ourselves and our negligent media. We allow them to set their own rules for expenses claims - and then we are surprised when so many of them abuse the system. Even people stiff-necked with integrity can be brought into temptation if the right circumstances are in play - and if the ability to set your own rules is not one of those right circumstances then I'm a monkey's uncle. WE must take control of their rules - and set up a body to rigidly enforce them.
And of course we need a media that watches them like hawks.
There you go Mr Turner - a surprise for you.
10 C Mather, Billinge, Wigan 04/06/2009 15:55:46
If that sort of logic is typical of CAP members no wonder they are held in such low regard and losing councillors.
Morgan is showing a way to get round the deleters, hardly the action of one who does delete.
BTW we are not Nazis. We believe in free speech for all.
The next time we try to disrupt your meetings or events by "peacefully" protesting you can call us such.
You will wait a long time before we resort to such undemocratic fascist tactics.
The Nazi epithet belongs to your party.
Copy this Morg before he deletes it.
wigan 04/06/2009 16:13:12
I've cast my vote.
Thank god I live in a democracy.
Thank god for free will.
Thank god for people who are prepared to stand up to bullies to represent me.
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04/06/2009 16:34:03
bill burrows, bnp nazi's? lets make this easy for you:-
the full name of the nazi's was - the national SOCIALIST german WORKERS PARTY, write it down, and now take a pen (or a pencil) and cross out the words national and german and you will be left with their british equivalent, - the swp use the same tactics as the nazi's to prevent freedom of speech and to disrupt and prevent the political meetings of their political opponents. there you go bill wasn't hard was it? you learn something new everyday !
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Mark Conroy,
Wigan 04/06/2009 16:35:21
I always suspected that Wigan had the three monkeys as MPs but it seems the monkeys are really dirty big porcine critters (pigs) with their greedy snouts firmly stuck in the trough.
Ripping of the electorate of Wigan, who Turner despises because they have the power to boot him out of office.
He'll not stand down but I reckon he's fully exposed now and will fail to get re-elected next year.
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wigan 04/06/2009 16:41:01
leviticus, Thanks for that,you learn something evert day.
I thought that SWP stood for Snakes Without Principles.
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Wigan 04/06/2009 16:41:52
I have never voted for Turner as he was a waste of space as a Councillor.
Like a lot more he is only in it for the money!
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A Grafter,
04/06/2009 17:08:36
I only claimed for what I needed, what a load of tosh. They all claim almost the maximum. In a hotel you do get a bed tv etc, but you don't get to keep them when you leave.
These people are greedy takers, we pay they take, anyone who votes for these so called labour MP's are fools, remember the 10p tax.. the lowest paid have had their tax more than doubled by this lot.
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Wigan 04/06/2009 17:15:23
I always voted Labour until Turner was selected as the Labour candidate for Wigan.
I would add that I never thought I would see the day when the great British Labour Party would become like the Tories, a party of money grabbing parasites!
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wigan 04/06/2009 17:31:20
Kettle, If you havn't allready done so, read annimal farm.
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Wigan 04/06/2009 17:33:29
All of them traitors and should be dealt with as such.
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04/06/2009 17:41:55
7 Bill Burrows
Community Action Party
There you go again dictating to people -
" By the way,
ABOVE. These are the people who are deleting your
posts, keep well away from them, remember, leopards
don't change there spots. Under the suits they are
still skinheads with hate tattoo's. "
If you want to see realy hate visit your Comrades on their hate filled sites.
Your opinions are tedious and abusive to honest decent people who care for their Country and our Heritage.
but unable to reply to any questions set, you presume 2 and 2 and make nine
Bill Burrows,
Wigan 04/06/2009 17:53:24
Post 12
I certainly learned how to use capital letters in the correct places.
Post 20
I see I have a secret admirer. Giving me the benefit of a repeated post, many thanks.
Add Hoon, Straw, McNulty, Scarlett and Alister Campbell to post 19 and I would agree.
Bill Burrows
Community Action Party
Report Unsuitable
04/06/2009 18:00:17
Bill Burrows
Community Action Party
Still will not reply to simple questions though,
I repeated your nonsense post 20 - it is so humerous.
Wigan Today has Stalinised this comment thread on its own site - by that I mean all trace of it ever having existed has been removed.
I wonder who insisted on that?
Bill Burrows must be quaking. He has no control of who gets deleted.
I'd like him to know I do not possess a suit. Neither do I have tattoos.
How come its always comments that lean to the 'right' that get deleted?
Typical, twisted commie bigot. I bet burrows needs an extra wide bed.. Because he cannot even lie straight in that too.
The Wigan Mafia Council
us "yokels", are not allowed
to mention Turner and Lord
Ha Ha, and Elliot Brown -
we must be deleted !
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