Tuesday 2 June 2009


Deletions are not to be utilised over mere disagreement. I expect there to be plenty of that, and hope this will be a lively and productive site - productive of thought, that is, through rational argument. Deletion is for determined trolls and deliberate libellers only (they are the people who try to get the blog shut down by deliberately writing a libel and then complaining to google - or deliberately writing illegalities and complaining to google - if you see any of this, delete it).

Remember this if you want to be an author - you'll inevitably have to leave plenty of comments in place that you personally disagree with - maybe profoundly disagree in some cases.

Disagreements and arguments (also known as debate) are expected here.

Occasional bad language is acceptable, but SERIOUS obscene language is unacceptable. We all know what I mean by this.

Peter, even you can comment here - but you know the limitations - persistent negativity will get you deleted. Here WE make the deletion rules, not you with the "comment inappropriate" button.

Hopefully, this blog will make the Wigan Today deletion button pointless.

Any further suggestions?

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