Tuesday 2 June 2009


Let's have some suggestions on how to proceed with this.

My suggestion:

I see a story that looks like it might get interesting to commenters; I then post that story here. You all start commenting. If Socialist 1 or his ilk appears - I fuck him/them off.

If you see a story that you think should be here for people to comment on, note it in the latest set of story comments, and when I see it I'll post it and it'll then have its own set of comments.

Any further suggestions?

PS - if you want to be able to post your own stories from Wigan Today - email me via my contributors' button and I'll add you to the list of contributors.

Now I've got to find out how to allow anonymous comments. This blog is work in progress - I need all the help I can get. It is not a party political blog - all are welcome.


Sir Henry Morgan said...

Testing for anonymous comments

Sir Henry Morgan said...

Click the arrow on "Select profile", enter your google account details (you'll need to open an account). Submit the comment.

I've got to find a way to make this easier.

Sir Henry Morgan said...

Think it's worth trying this then Andrew? My idea is to make the deletion button on Wigan Today redundant.

Andyj said...

I think you now have it sir.

Now its a case of getting everyone who ventures onto their site to cotton onto this one and not feel let down.

Lets hope the freaks don't try to poison the well.

Anonymous said...

We can but try. Persistence usually wins.


Anonymous said...

Andrew - want to be an author? I get the impression you are a Libertarian at heart - ideal for this sort of thing.

I'm BNP - but if there was such a thing as a (near) Libertarian wing to the BNP, that's where I'd be located.


Anonymous said...

G.Chadwick,Leigh 03/06/2009 09:32:05

On a few occasions on this comment section, I put it to Mr Peter Franzen that I thought the town of Golborne (his home town) was lacking in it's fair share of asylum seekers and migrants as opposed to what we see here in Leigh and Wigan.

I pointed out that it's seemingly always the same old liberal luvvies and Marxists/Socialists like comrade Franzen who are those that are not directly effected personally by the vast deluge of the new arrivals to their own area who always espouse and condone this unvetted immigration policy and social engineering debacle that's currently crippling our nation.

I also pointed out that a number of schools in Leigh have had to turn away our own young local children from attending their nearest infant or junior school due to the numbers already there and because preference had been given to the "newly arrived" even though these local children may have older brothers or sisters already attending these schools.

Comrade Franzen finds it hard to believe (or, just doesn't want to hear due to his own warped political mindset) that this is happening. Thankfully, some mothers have approached the British National Party with this atrocity of "positive discrimination" and we are currently looking at the legality of these actions.

What I will say is that we have now many teachers, teaching assistants, dinner ladies, playground monitors and mothers and fathers who'll be voting BNP tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

G.Chadwick,Leigh 03/06/2009 09:56:21
So, as hard as comrade Franzen may try to ridicule and denounce the British National Party with his vile lies and smears!

The truth will always prevail!

And "truth" unfortunately is a word that Franzen is unable to pronounce!Report Unsu

Andyj said...

Yes, its true Morg. A good part of me is libertarian.
All of me is Patriotic.
If I wasn't, why should I even bother going to work?

Oh, and all of me has just voted for the first time in my life!

Anonymous said...


Welcome !

Patriotic is BNP